It should be noted that of all the human traits, Sentimentality is the most jealous. No matter how many times you cheat on it with impulse or beer, it always comes back. And usually with a vengeance. Somehow, Sentimentality continues to believe in you and is certain that the love you two share on lonely nights is enough, and because of that, it can't leave you. It won't leave you. Actually, Sentimentality will be goddamned if you think it's going to leave you, because it knows that secretly, or maybe not so secretly, you feel the same way. You may not say it enough--or at all--but Sentimentality knows. Sentimentality sees that dreamy face you make when those songs come on at the bar or on the radio in the car or on that obscure Pandora station you created partly to evade Sentimentality in the first place. And that's why Sentimentality sticks around. Because of the history you two have. Because of the future you two created long ago. Because that history and that future you both can't let go of has turned into the present, and you're stuck in it. And just when Sentimentality starts to wear you down enough that you finally let it in and accept it as your fate, something gets in the way and that predictably sad carousel of sentimental history just stops. And you're able to let go of the painted pony you've been holding onto for dear life, forget about Sentimentality for a while, and see forests for trees again.
Cursed be he who can't remember, but blessed be he who can forget.
I used to write for Jay-Z, but he couldn't handle my flow.