Chag sameach to those of you who are still eating matzah and happy Easter to those of you who haven't been eating meat on Fridays.
And if you're celebrating another holiday and you can't eat something too, I wish you all the best as well.
I never realized what a rough season Spring is for bread and livestock.
Writing to you from the couch of a one Julia Chazkel, who now lives in Herzilya (a town north of Tel Aviv) and who is currently in Italy with her dad, probably so full of pasta she can't even communicate, and she's letting me crash in her apartment until she gets back next Wednesday night. Incredible. But more on that later.
For those of you wondering how I spent my Pesach and where I went for seder, the answer is: Jerusalem but mostly, Randy Pressman.
Randy Pressman is a man who belongs in his own category of Great, and he's been awesome about letting me trail his every move since I got here.
First, I got to see Les Claypool with him in Tel Aviv---which was STUPID GOOD.
Then, after I asked if I could join in on whatever he was doing for Passover, he brought me to his friend's apartment in East Jerusalem (obviously we were in the Jewy part therein) and I got to make the turkey.
Literally, this year in Jerusalem.
What more could I ask for?
The seder was held at Randy's friend Ari's place and though Ari bought a 15 pound bird, there were only 5 of us there to eat it, as well as the other seven side dishes (not exaggerating---one of the other attendees used to be a sous chef).
Ari and company were excellent---funny and smart rabbis-in-training who were so warm and welcoming, I almost didn't mind all the matzah I had to eat.
We had a very nice, very casual seder and while I usually don't really love that oh-so-long To Do list that is the seder, I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed being around people who knew the same tunes and songs that I do, and mixing and matching the other traditions we brought to the table.
If I haven't made myself clear, it was a really wonderful experience.
Every time I come to Israel, I run into someone I knew/know/have met once or twice.
It's true what they say, wherever you go, there's always someone Jewish.
Sometimes they're from camp, sometimes they're from college, and it's always really nice to see them.
But this trip to Israel is the first time I have friends who are actually living here--friends who I can't make plans with to see when I get back home--so seeing them here makes being here feel like I'm not just wandering through.
I can't tell you just how necessary it was for me to meet up with some of these people, especially because I was beginning to feel more than just a little ready to get the hell home.
As Julia put it while Katowitz, Randy and I dove into the matzah brei we made, "it feels like home came to Israel!"
Yes, that's very cheesey, but it's also very precious, because it's true and I love them.
I'm still waiting to hear back about the kibbutz placement and since Passover's still going strong, I'm going to be waiting until beer and bread are again kosher. I'll keep everyone posted.
Love and matzah cookies!
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